Waterproof Duffel Bag
Let’s face it, outdoor gear is expensive! Weather is unpredictable and you need to do everything you can to protect your tools and supplies. A regular duffel bag just won’t cut it when you want to be prepared for anything. You need a waterproof duffel bag to keep your gear safe.
Rugged, waterproof duffel bags are the way to go! They’re designed for heavy-duty use and rugged outdoor adventure. There’s nothing worse than planning a trip only to get your gear, equipment and clothes soaked because your bag leaked. You always run the chance of getting soaked by a downpour, so you need to own the right gear for any outdoor outing.
Waterproof duffel bags often feature heavy-duty buckles, dependable zippers, shock resistant shoulder straps and other features to ensure your gear is protected from the elements. Waterproof duffel bags that are truly 100% waterproof can survive through heavy rain, sleet, snow, mud, dirt, sand, dust and even quick submersion in water. We wouldn’t recommend leaving your bag full of gear underwater for more than a few seconds, but they can protect in the event you accidentally drop it in the water.
Waterproof Bags for Boating
Waterproof bags for boating are a necessity if you want to keep your gear and clothes dry. Waterproof duffel bags are a great choice for boating because they can hold a lot of essential items and they fold over to ensure your items stay dry. If you boat often, you’ve probably gotten plenty of items soaked that you wanted to keep dry. This is why it’s important to find the best waterproof bags for boating to adequately protect your gear while you’re on the water.
You won’t find better waterproof duffel bags than what’s on this list!
Unplug Ultimate Adventure Bag
The Unplug Ultimate Adventure Bag is over-built and rugged enough to handle any adventure you can. It’s perfect for camping, hunting, boating, motorcycling and other outdoor adventures. This 100% waterproof dry bag can hold a lot of equipment. You can choose between 65L, 110L and 155L to fit your needs. It also comes in 2 colors: Adventure Orange or a more subtle Storm Grey.
This outdoor bag is designed with 8 compression straps that create a super airtight environment that will keep the interior dry even in a downpour or storm. The heavy-duty buckles can take a beating and the YKK zippers won’t fail. The reinforced load points are designed to give your bag extra support in areas that hold more weight. You can load it up with maximal weight without worrying about ripping your bag. A lot of offshore workers use these bags, but they also make efficient Bug Out Bags for emergency situations. You can even use it as a backpack and throw it over your shoulders.
Large waterproof duffel bags are great to have in case you take a quick trip to the beach, lake or campsite on short notice. You always want to protect your outdoor gear from bad weather or accidental splashes.
We like this bag because it’s designed for heavy-duty use and will protect your gear in any weather. It’s reinforced and built like a tank. Plus, you get plenty of size options to choose from. The manufacturer even provides a 5-year warranty because they know it’s a great product. This is one of the best waterproof duffel bags for boating and other water sports.
Gonex Waterproof Duffel Dry Bag
The Gonex waterproof dry bag is extremely durable and highly waterproof. It’s designed to handle any type of weather. Designed from heavy-duty PVC; this is a truly waterproof bag. You can close the opening using a hook & loop system with a rolling top to add extra protection to your gear. You can carry this bag 3 different ways: cross body, shoulder and duffel bag. It has straps on both sides and a top handle that are reinforced and rugged.
This dry bag has a back nylon zip pocket outfitted with outlets that can help dry your clothes by discharging extra water. You can stuff wet clothes and gear into this bag and they will dry naturally. This is a great bag for water sports, snow and has extra protection against water.
The Gonex is a great waterproof duffel bag for motorcycle riding and boating due to it’s size and the amount of supplies it can hold.
Pelican Weatherproof Duffel – 40L
Pelican is known worldwide for making rugged outdoor products that last a long time. The Pelican Mobile Protect Duffel is a weatherproof duffel that can go the distance. It features a water-resistant shell that’s extremely durable and can handle all types of outings. The outer shell is 1000D nylon that can handle heavy-duty use. The zippers are YKK and water-resistant and will help keep water from getting inside your bag.
A water-resistant duffel bag is helpful in many situations due to the uncertainty of weather and the type of terrain you may encounter while traveling. It can be carried by the handles or shoulder straps. You can even convert it into a backpack to allow you to free your hands while carrying the bag. It has plenty of compartments to carry everything you need and has a protective laptop sleeve so you can carry your laptop without worrying about it. Overall, the Pelican Mobile Protect weatherproof duffel bag is worth your consideration.
The Friendly Swede Waterproof Duffel Bag
The Friendly Swede makes great outdoor products and their waterproof duffel bag sets the standard. You can carry this bag 3 ways: duffel bag, backpack or shoulder crossbody bag. It’s waterproof, but not 100% due to possible leakage around the seams and zipper. However, it’s still a great option for a waterproof outdoor bag due to its construction and materials used such as 500D PVC Tarpaulin. The bag is heavy-duty and has welded seams that will protect the interior from moderate rain, dirt, dust and snow.
This bag is perfect for a weeklong trip where you need extra protection for your gear. It comes in multiple sizes and colors to choose from. We highly recommend this waterproof duffel bag for anyone needing a dependable bag that can protect your gear and clothes from the elements. You can find this waterproof duffel bag on Amazon.
Earth Pak Waterproof Duffel Bag
The Earth Pak waterproof duffel bag comes in two sizes: 50L and 70L and can carry a ton of gear. These bags are lightweight and perfect for travel. This bag will protect your gear and supplies from inclement weather such as rain, snow and sleet. It also protects from dirt, mud and dust while traveling, biking, camping or riding a motorcycle. The seams are thermo welded shut so your gear or other items can rest safely until you need them. You can even bring these bags fishing, sailing and other water sports.
This waterproof duffel is designed with two mesh pockets on the inside that can house electronics or other small items that you use often. The roll-top closure allows you to fold your bag a few times and buckle to ensure your gear stays safe and secure. It even comes with removable shoulder straps to give you more ways to carry it.
We like this waterproof duffel bag because it’s the perfect size for most outings and has tons of features. It’s a great waterproof duffel bag for boating.
Aqua Quest White Water Duffel
The Aqua Quest is a 100% waterproof duffel bag that will keep everything out and protect your belongings. It’s made from heavy-duty Oxford 420D Ripstop fabric that will last a long time and can withstand heavy use. It also has double bar-tacked stress points as well as welded seams that protect areas where duffel bags normally experience a high amount of wear and tear. It only weighs 2.2 pounds and makes a great bag for any trip or outdoor adventure.
This waterproof duffel bag features 6 D-rings that give you multiple ways to carry and it comes with an adjustable shoulder strap that’s made for comfort. It’s one of our favorite waterproof duffel bags with backpack straps. This bag is a great choice if you’re looking for a dependable waterproof duffel bag for boating. A good number of offshore workers request a tough offshore waterproof duffel bag that can withstand more than the occasional splash – this bag can handle it.
Grizzly Peak Dri-Tech Waterproof Dry Bag
The Grizzly Peak dry bag not only looks cool, but is fully functional. It measures 90L which is the perfect size for a week-long trip. It’s a good option for a gym bag, luggage and trips in the woods or on the lake. The Grizzly Peak is designed to protect your gear from rain, water, sweat and splashes. You can take it boating and know that your gear is perfectly safe. A lot of people take this bag kayaking, sailing and rafting because it holds plenty of accessories, clothes and extra gear.
A lot of people like the idea of having a waterproof duffel bag backpack because it distributes the weight across your back and makes it easier to carry. You never know how much gear or accessories you will need so it’s good to have a bag that can do it all.
We like this bag because it’s a good size, carries heavy loads with ease and has comfortable shoulder straps. It’s a great choice for a waterproof duffel bag for camping.
How to Choose the Best Waterproof Duffel Bag
Waterproof duffel bags come in all shapes, sizes and configurations. The right bag depends on your planned activities and the amount of gear and supplies you plan to bring. You can choose a bag that’s perfect for a 3-day trip or you may prefer a bag that can handle an entire week or more.
Here are a few considerations to keep in mind while choosing a duffel bag:
Waterproof vs. Water-Resistance
Each of these bags are waterproof or water-resistant. This means some are completely waterproof and can actually go underwater for a short amount of time, while others are simply resistant to rain, snow and splashes. It’s important to determine which type you need so you can make an educated purchasing decision. You may not need a fully waterproof duffel bag depending on your use. The Aquaquest White Water duffel bag is a completely waterproof duffel bag that can withstand full submersion and is perfect for white water rafting, boating or even paddleboarding.
Most bags come in multiple sizes depending on how much gear and supplies you plan on bringing. Size is an important consideration when shopping for the best waterproof duffel bags because you need to know exactly how much your bag can store. Most bags can easily handle 3-5 days of gear, but others are designed for much longer trips.
Carry Options
How you intend to use your bag may determine the best way to carry your gear. Most waterproof duffel bags come equipped with sturdy handles and optional shoulder straps. Large duffel bags usually have comfortable shoulder straps so you can distribute the weight across your back. Duffel bags can be hard to carry when you pack them all the way and comfortable shoulder straps can be beneficial. You can usually remove the shoulder straps if you intend on using the bag as a duffel.