- Become Familiar With The Area
The first step that you need to take to find the right property is to get to know the area. If you are not familiar with the area you can’t buy the hunting grounds. If it is near something good, even a very small tract can be very promising.
Some of the best deer hunting can be found on smaller tracts due to their location A 20-acre property that has good habitat and is surrounded by a thousand acres of land with no one having permission to hunt has great potential.
Predator populations, disease prevalence, hunting regulations, neighboring lands, and a number of other facts must be evaluated before you sign anything.
- Look at Properties That are Adjacent to Places Where You Hunt Already
Many people have leased land or hunting permission already. If you would like to increase the acreage available to you and get started with purchasing land, for properties that are for sale that are next to tracts where you hunt already. This is a hunting tip as much as it is a land-purchasing one, and similar to our first tip. But it is important to keep in mind when purchasing good hunting land. You can use this percentage change calculator.
If you already have permission to hunt a property or have a lease, then purchase good land that is adjacent to it. Or purchase a couple of good acres that is next to public land.
This is a great investment and also increases the total amount of huntable acreage available to you. This is something that should not be overlooked as a viable opportunity – particularly if there are specific bucks that you are hunting and you know will be spending time on adjacent properties. It could be the ticket you are looking for to kill the Booner you have been going after for three seasons. Also, if you happen to kill a Booner there, the hunting tract’s resale value will skyrocket.
- Get To Know The Locals
It is almost as important to know the local people as it is to be familiar with the local terrain.
If you are familiar with the locals and know that the grandson of Farmer Joe kills a 150-inch deer each year, you may want to search for a property in the area when they go up for sale. To do that, you need to know the people instead of just the area. If you know the landowners in the local area, and they are familiar with you, then you are likely to get a much better deal. Stay in contact with them and tell them you are looking to buy some land.
Like with many things in life, networking is critical when it comes to buying land.
Purchasing land and then passing it down to the next generation is something any hunter would love to be able to do, buy all the hunting gear you need at surplus.net.
- Watch the Ads
It helps to know the local area and people. However, it is not always sufficient. One of the best ways to find a good property is land advertisement outlets, including small local ones
It could be a farmer’s booklet. Or maybe a market bulletin. You can find land sale ads at practically every feed store, co-op, and gas station, and in small towns especially. Those are excellent places to discover undervalued properties. Newspapers are still good. They are not too effective for advertising, but they are good sources for buyers to come across good deals. Facebook marketplace is great. Check all available sources.
This includes RealtreeUC.com. It is a great resource. Thousands of properties are listed for sale there.
- Purchase Land with Friends
Admittedly it can get messy buying hunting properties with friends. However, there are more advantages than disadvantages.
If you have friends that you hunt with, and they are also wanting to purchase hunting land, you can increase your budget by combining forces. Purchasing with partners does have some challenges. However, the benefits usually outweigh possible problems.
When purchasing land with other people, keep the following things in mind:
- How relatable your long-term property plans are
- Whether potential partners are trustworthy
- How willing everyone is to share hunting land
- If you have compatible personality types
- The stability of your long-term and short-term financial situations
- Whether your budgets are in sync or not
- The similarity of your management plans and goals
Here’s an article that compares public vs private hunting land.