The Team



Jerome Andries
R. Jerome Andries

R. Jerome Andries is a lawyer, actor, author, filmmaker and Dad to 3 amazing children. He owns a law firm that specializes in various aspects of Louisiana law and a small niche film production company. He first got interested in acting during law school and has since been in multiple films and theatre productions both as supporting and lead. These days you will find him working on a book to publish, practicing law or on a film set.

Mr. Andries first got involved in the post-apocalyptic world when he met his friend, John and they conspired to create a short film set in that environment. It quickly drew a fan base, but sadly, faced too many obstacles in production and as of today has not been released. It was a great learning experience for Jerome and it sparked a passion in him to write as much Post-Apocalyptic fiction as he possibly could. To this day, he claims that he and the APOCALYPSE GUYS will team up and create a Post-Apocalyptic blockbuster series to serve the masses in ways The Walking Dead never could.

R. Jerome Andries can be contacted through this page or you can call his name from the highest mountain peaks and he will get back to you shortly.


post-apocalyptic author john l. davis iv
John L. Davis IV

I write things. I’ve been doing it for a really long time, but only recently did I start publishing. Soon after that I was lucky enough to land a job as the editorial assistant for a small newspaper. Now someone actually pays me to write, which is pretty cool. Other than that, I have no credentials to speak of, no education worth noting. I haven’t done anything amazing like single-handedly save an entire tribe of Ugandan children from Ebola or serve overseas and save my entire squad from a tribe of Ugandan children with Ebola.

As I think back, I believe that my introduction to all things apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic was the made-for-tv film, The Day After. For as long as I can remember I’ve been into survival, learning skills that would save my life if I were ever stranded on an island or lost in the wilderness, always with the thought that I would have a gorgeous woman to protect. (Come on, I was a kid!) Now it’s all about knowing everything I can to keep my wife and kids (and dog) safe, fed and alive should a cataclysmic event ever occur, like an EMP, alien invasion, or the internet goes down for an hour.

I’m developing an idea for a post-apocalyptic action-adventure series of novels at this time, but it might be a while before I even get the basics written down. In the meantime, check out the short story Mountain Nightmare: A Christmas Tale and my American Revenant zombie apocalypse survival series.

No matter what, stick with us. We’re the Apocalypse Guys and we’ll get you through the wasteland.

Check out some of John’s work on Amazon! 

Mountain Nightmare

American Revenant

Guy Cain

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t enjoying the outdoors. As a child my father taught me to hunt and fish. Later, in the Boy Scouts, I found that the nature merit badges were my favorites to earn on my trail to Eagle Scout. Years after, it occurred to me that the things I had learned in my youth were not common knowledge. In fact, many simply had no clue how to behave in the outdoors, let alone survive in it.

Ultimately, I founded Zombie Apocalypse Survival Camp to help families learn together so they can perform as a cohesive unit in the event of a catastrophe. Somewhere along the way I tried my hand at writing articles on some of the less obvious aspects of survival, like possible apocalypse currencies, using brush piles for survival, and more. A few of these have been published in Backwoodsmen Magazine. Whether it’s hunting, fishing, camping or just a nice long hike with my dogs, for me, being outdoors is the remedy to all life’s problems.

Check out Guy’s work on Amazon!

Interested in becoming a contributor? Send us a message and tell us what you do.–Rome


