About Us

About Us

ApocalypseGuys is a digital community for men and women who have a passion for the post-apocalyptic genre. We’re inspired by the people and stories throughout the wasteland and our mission is to build something worthwhile that survives longer than we do. Don’t just follow our journey, experience it with us. “We’ll get you through the wasteland.”

Through weekly articles and podcasts, ApocalypseGuys covers multiple facets of the post-apocalyptic genre that spans across all media including books, movies, survival gear, games and more. But, that’s not all we are; we also cover subjects that can help benefit your life and teach you how to survive.

The mission of AG is to grow a community and provide a one-stop shop for those in the genre to find each other and collaborate on projects.

Our Editors and Contributors


Jerome Andries “Rome”

Jerome Andries

Jerome Andries founded Apocalypse Guys in 2017 and has nurtured it into one of the largest internet publications in the genre.

Jerome grew up in Louisiana and attended various universities and obtained a degree in business. He worked in the financial industry before finally pursuing his goal of going to law school. While attending Southern University Law School, he got into acting on a whim when his wife sent him a casting call for Terminator Genisys. He met one of his idols, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he was hooked!

Over the years, he worked on numerous film productions and honed his ability to create compelling stories through film and the written word. It was his experience working on movie sets of some of the biggest films that he realized he wanted to create a better way for those with similar interests to find and collaborate with each other. This is where the idea for Apocalypse Guys took off, though it would still be a few years before he pulled the trigger and went live with his idea.

When Jerome graduated law school and passed the Bar, he moved to a small town in Louisiana and opened his own law firm. This has given him the ability to run ApocalypseGuys and bring it to full potential alongside his law practice.

Check back with us often so you don’ t miss anything and follow us on FacebookTwitterInstagram and Pinterest!

We are always looking for contributors to work with. Contact us at Apocalypseguys@aol.com to submit.


Alexandria, LA; Worldwide

