
Top Tips for Staying Warm During Winter Camping Trips

stay warm while camping

Camping is a satisfying activity that can be enjoyed throughout the year. It’s the ideal way to get some exercise, connect with nature and have fun at the same time.

If you’re planning on going camping this winter, you’re in for a treat. However, you have to prepare yourself!

During the winter months, it’s not uncommon for the temperature to drop into the negatives. These bone-chilling conditions can make you susceptible to temperature-related ailments like hypothermia and frostbite (more info). Thankfully, if you have the right gear, you can enjoy your winter camping trip without having to worry about the cold.

1 – Winterized Tent

First things first: you need to pick the right tent for your trip. If you don’t bring adequate shelter, you and your camping buddies will be subject to the wind, snow and rain.

Before you hit the road, make sure that you purchase a winterized tent. These products are waterproof and airtight. Because of this, winterized tents can keep things like rain and snow out while keeping warm air in.

For extra protection, look for a model with a double roof. Double roofs bolster the tent and help protect you from the elements.

2 – High-Quality Sleeping Bag

During the summer months, some campers find it satisfying to lay down on a blanket and fall asleep under the stars. As relaxing as this may sound, it’s not possible during the winter. The temperatures are simply too cold and unforgiving.

Even if you have a winterized tent, you’ll want to make sure that you bring a high-quality sleeping bag. Look for a heavy-duty product that can withstand a temperature range of -18 F to -29 F. Doing this will ensure that you’ll stay warm and comfortable, even if the temperatures dip unexpectedly.

3 – Thermal Clothing

Before you pack your bags and head off into the wilderness, you should doublecheck that you’ve added your favorite pieces of thermal gear into your duffel bag.

Thermal clothing manufacturers produce a wide variety of garments ranging from gloves to beanies; some manufacturers even make socks to keep feet warm and comfortable in frigid conditions.

For those that don’t know, thermal gear is high-quality clothing that is made to trap in warm air and wick moisture away from your body. This gives thermal clothing the ability to keep you warmer for longer.

However, you should know that every thermal garment is different. The primary difference is the TOG (thermal overall grade) rating (see here). The TOG rating signifies how much warm air the garment will insulate.

If you’re looking for thermal clothing for extreme cold conditions, then you should look for a garment with a higher TOG rating. As an example, a garment with a TOG rating of 4.6 is able to hold more warm air than a garment with a rating of 2.4.

Equally as important is packing waterproof hiking boots. We’d recommend this range from Topo Athletic Australia.

Are you looking for a fun way to enjoy the last bit of winter? Then you should organize a camping trip with your friends and family! After a weekend at the campsite, you and your group will have created memories that will last for years.

However, no winter camping trip is complete without the items mentioned above. Be sure to add them to your bag before it’s too late!